Friday, August 7, 2009

Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

This is a tried and true recipe out of The Joy of Cooking. The results were great. Sweet pineapple and a coffee cake-like cake paired together were fantastic. Did you know that pineapple upside-down cake was created to market canned pineapple?

This was a test run for a birthday cake request I got. Since I had never made pineapple upside-down cake before, I figured it would be better to try it once before I made for real, lest I muck it up. I really liked the fact that the cake was like a coffee-cake. The caramelized brown sugar on top really made the pineapple lose its acidity, and bring out its true sweetness. Even my sister who says that "pineapple makes my tongue acid-y" enjoyed it. It's a great recipe and I'm making it again soon.


  1. Do you own a bakery or do you do it just for fun? You could probably sell your goodies around town!

  2. I do it just for fun. I hope to open a bakery someday!
